April 16, 2016

Dividend Income - March 2016

This month's dividend income came in at $375.89, a 44.5% increase over 2015's $260.19.

Dividend increases this month:
  • CNR raised the quarterly dividend 20% from $0.3125/share to $0.375/share, increasing our passive income by $15.75.
  • CTC.A raised the quarterly dividend 9.5% from $0.525/share to $0.575/share, increasing our passive income by $3.60.
  • MG raised the quarterly dividend 13.6% from $0.22/share to $0.25/share, increasing our passive income by $6.19.

Dividends in USD are converted to CAD using the monthly average exchange rates from the Bank of Canada.


  1. Interesting concept. What are the annual fees/management expense ratios like doing dividends?

    1. There are no annual fees/management expenses per say (unless you are investing in dividend paying ETFs, then refer to the ETF’s MER), but with each transaction you make you will incur commissions. So it really depends on how often you make transactions and the commissions associated with your brokerage. Our commissions are about $10 so we try to keep purchases to a minimum of $2000 which is 0.5%. In 2015, our commissions amounted to about 0.12% of our portfolio’s value.

      But let's say you are in retirement and living off the dividends without having to sell off any shares, then you would have no annual fees.
